Unique Times Make for Unique Art

“The Journey”: Your Individuality is the Most Valuable Thing You Have. Shine On”, Durga with Citrine. © MarilynGrad 2021 Acrylic, mixed media on 8” x 6” x 1” wood panel

"Beautiful, peaceful art. What a beautiful world we would live in if love and peace was activated into our daily experience. This artwork reminds us of such beautiful qualities and of the heart of the soul."- Gale

I have created an eclectic body of colorful mixed media art that I believe is relevant and needed right now. Bring on the conscious, peaceful, thought-provoking and “feel good vibes” energy. The paintings are designed to viscerally engage internal landscapes with external environments aesthetically, energetically, emotionally and with just the right amount of woo-woo. They are generous in spirit and authentic in expression. Not all is gloom and doom.

I am extremely passionate about making meaningful art. I am soulfully connected and spiritually committed to expressing it as it finds its way and audience in the world. Art is sacred, teaching, and transformative. It has always gotten me through personal and professional life transitions, I have been a knowledge and wisdom seeker most of my life. These unique times are one more opportunity to apply it. What a joy and pleasure it is to share with you.

I invite you to visit my website here and My Shop to view six original themes: Buddha, Deities, Geisha, Abstract, Whim(sical) and Natural Elements. As a mixed media artist, acrylic painter,  I meticulously combine different materials, obsess about color, texture and dimensions, use iconic imagery and symbolism, objects recycled, found or made in nature, and crystals and gemstones giving every one their own meaning and message.  They look great on walls, altars, homes, offices, bathrooms, yoga studios and galleries.  They don't have to match your couch. 

You will notice inspiration and influences of East and South Asian culture, art and philosophy in my work, notably in the Buddha, Deity and Geisha themes. There is gentle simplicity, a wealth of beauty, ritual, tradition, ancient wisdom and knowledge to be learned, shared and practiced from these cultures. I also draw from yoga and yogic teachings, including an exploration and curiosity of esoteric and mystic teachings. Take a moment to pause, connect, listen, maybe even have a personal AHA!!! of your very own.


It's Time to Play Real or Scam?


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